Short Description: If you like listening to sad and broken-heart Romanian songs then you must listen to Diana Mocanu’s Panarama de barbat song. This is a heart-touching song that captures the emotions of a hurt and betrayed lover. The song is filled with anger, sarcasm, and disappointment its bold and unapologetic tone reflects self-worth and empowerment. Read Panarama de barbat lyrics by Diana Mocanu with the official music video, the artists featured in the song, and the story behind the song.
Diana Mocanu – Panarama de barbat Lyrics
Că știu tot, că știu tot
Că te-am iubit
Cine a vrut, cum a vrut,
a avut și te-a folosit
Panoramă de bărbat, nu ai tu față de mine
Ești hotel de două stele, intră cine vrea la tine
Panoramă de bărbat, ești unul doar pentru mine
Oricine face comandă, oricine merge cu tine
este probabil, inevitabil
Trebuie să-ți pui contabil
Să-ți țină contul la minciuni
Pe care trebuie să ți le asumi
Eu limuzină te credeam
Tu-mi arăți că ești Logan
Cum aș putea, aș putea să mai sufăr
Pentru cel, pentru cel mai efemer bărbat
Frequently Asked Questions
Who wrote the lyrics to the “Panarama de barbat” song?
The song “Panarama de barbat” was written by Diana Mocanu.
Who is the music producer of the “Panarama de barbat” song?
Diana Mocanu produced the “Panarama de barbat” song music.
Who is the singer of the “Panarama de barbat” song?
The “Panarama de barbat” song is sung by Diana Mocanu.
When was the “Panarama de barbat” song released?
Panarama de barbat song was released on December 31, 2024.
What is the duration of Panarama de barbat?
The duration of the song Panarama de barbat is approximately 2 minutes and 34 seconds long.
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